Instant transfer from Cash app balance to Venmo account number

I am trying to get car insurance through Progressive, and they're saying my cash app debit card isn't an acceptable form of payment. So I was gonna pay with my Venmo debit card instead, as I usually have luck using that on things that won't let me use my Cash app card (like Lyft instant payouts just as an example, yet the Cashapp card works fine for Uber instant payouts. Anyway.) I tried to do it the old-fashioned way by adding money to my Venmo balance from the card on file, which is my Cashapp debit card, and it said that card isn't eligible to add a balance from. So I went to Cashapp and updated the bank information to the routing number and account number on Venmo. I did instant cash out and well 10 minutes later my money still isn't in my Venmo balance. I don't use Venmo all that often, but Cash App instant transfers are always actually instant, either to or from. Did I screw myself? Will my money eventually show up? Ordinarily, I would contact Venmo help but their chat and phone support are both closed right now, and with the amount of money I transferred I'm getting kinda worried and need to know where it's at. My last insurance for my car lapsed so I currently don't have insurance on it, that's why the whole rush.

Also, a slight ps to avoid any snarky comments, I don't have the best banking/credit history, so virtually no actual legit banks will touch me. I'm trying to turn my life around and feel pretty good about where I'm at for once, but everybody always says "Don't use Venmo/Cash app as a bank" etc, but I kinda don't have any other options.

2nd edit: I looked at my transaction history on Venmo, and I see my transfer from Cash app pending but it's listing it as a purchase refund. IDK what that's all about, but it says it'll be processed today by 2:41 am, exactly 30 minutes after I transferred it. Idk where they're getting that it's a refund, but I guess as long as I get my money idrc what they label it as. I guess I just have to wait. But it especially says it'll be "refunded" into my Venmo balance.

Fix: How to send money from Venmo to Cash App?

While you can't directly transfer money from Venmo to Cash App, you can do so indirectly by first transferring the funds to a linked bank account and then from your bank account to Cash App. This process is a bit more roundabout, but it's the only way to transfer money between the two platforms without incurring fees.

How do I get money off Venmo instantly?

Open the Venmo App: Launch the Venmo app on your mobile device. Ensure that you have a verified Venmo account and have linked your debit card to your Venmo account. Access the Transfer to Bank Option: Tap on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen to open the menu. From the menu, select "Transfer to Bank".